21 Dec

2012 is around the corner, but I still can’t find nowhere to place my longliness. Where my home is?

finding home

Ask most contemporary architects what they think of decoration in architecture and you’re apt to elicit a diatribe of snobbery. As a matter of fact, the ornate branches of architecture are sometimes treated like a flamboyant uncle at the family reunion: fun to look at it for a bit but not to claim or take seriously. I think, however, that decoration and ornament have a distinct place in the building arts. After all, Architecture’s inspired roots have always been planted in the soils of the natural world. Even the staid classical orders and designs of the Greek and Romans were hymns mused of nature. One need only look around the garden, forest or ocean and know that Mother Nature is hardly a Shaker – she seems to shamelessly revel in the Baroque.

A true piece of Architecture that lacks some type of whimsical beauty is like a room without accessories:…

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